Saturday, January 8

Club DH Champs 23rd of January

Right so, on Sunday the 23rd of January we are going to hold the club DH Champs in Cloon, (technically they are the 2010 champs but hay). To do this you’ll need to be a signed up club member, (see ‘Joining Epic DH’) and be in the process of getting your licence. This is open to all club members from either discipline so either XC, DH, or any other form out there. It will be a very relaxed day of racing so come out and have some craic. The categories are going to be Juniors (Under 16), Seniors (16 to 35), Ladies, Vets (Now it’s 35+, Bring I.D….) The format for the day is sign on with me in the main car park before 11.00 no later, practice all morning up until 11.30, Everyone to the top for 12.00 as first rider off at 12.00 on the button, Don’t be late as it will mess the timing up. Second runs start times will be decided on the day depending on numbers. There will be some prizes and stuff. See you all there.
Epic DH Champs


  1. Vets being 35+ , is this just a club thing or some new ci initiative?

  2. Sorry shane it's just a club thing
